Intelligent sample container
digital lab order | order entry
sample pre-processing module
casette making module
sample transfer module

Bringing pathology
into the future.

One out of every two people will receive a cancer diagnosis in their lifetime. Through technology and innovation, we’re fighting uncertainty, removing human error and ensuring that every cancer test is quick, safe and reliable.

Solving an age old problem.

How it works

From biopsy to diagnosis…

The doctor collects a sample from a patient

The doctor places the sample into our intelligent container

How it looks today

The doctor registers the sample in our digital invorder system and sends to the lab

Physician puts samples in containers and documents manually

The sample arrives safely at the destination lab

The order entry lab software registers the incoming sample, automates the selection of stains, and processes other relevant information input by the doctor

And ID assignation to containers and documents

The samplex machine scans IDs, takes pictures, characterizes, registers and organizes samples per case

Manual triage containers by cases

The cassette marking module (CMM) will automatically label data using the laser onto the cassettes

Cassette printing and matching with containers

The sample transfer module (STM) automatically transfers samples from containers to the corresponding cassettes

Manual transfer of samples from containers to cassettes

The sample is analyzed and results are shared instantly via invorder (KIS API) with doctors

A Doctor collects a sample from a patient

The Doctor places the sample into our intelligent container

The Doctor registers the sample into our digital invorder system and sends to the lab

The sample arrives safely to the destination lab

The order entry lab software registers the incoming sample, automates the selection of stains and processes other relevant information input by the Doctor

The samplex machine scans IDs, takes pictures, characterizes, registers and organizes samples per cases

The cassette marking module (CMM) will automatically label data by laser onto cassettes corresponding to the correct containers

The sample transfer module (STM) automatically transfers samples from containers to the corresponding cassettes

The sample is analyzed and results are shared instantly via invorder (KIS API) with Doctors

inveox is trusted by

Voices of inveox.

Whether it’s patients, relatives, doctors or lab technicians who are directly or indirectly impacted by inveox, our Pathology ecosystem is saving lives, one sample at a time.

I estimate that the inveox’
system speeds up our sample extraction process by 10 to 20 percent.

Dr. med. Marc Schäpsmeier
Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology

Traditionally, the process has always been mostly manual. So we looked for a connection to the lab that was more direct.

Dr. med. Johannes Hofmann
Praxis Dr. med. Johannes Hofmann


samples registered
with inveox so far


costs savings and avoid
employee turnover


automate a demanding and error-prone process

Let’s talk about how inveox can help transform your diagnostics business.